Monday, April 6, 2009

Back at it.

Well, I figured it was time to start blogging again. I really did enjoy it when I was going through treatment, so I thought why not continue, keep everyone up to date with the fam, and writing as always been an outlet for me.

I'm still working on getting my old blog posts incorporated into this one, as I do enjoy going back to read them every once in awhile, just to remember how far we've come.

Lots has happened since the last blog. Richard and I both have new jobs, the land surveying/engineering work here has taken a nose dive, and the new company we're with (yes, we're with the same company AGAIN) went through some layoffs, but we've both weathered the storm. Guess that's what happens when you're damn good at what you do! I like to think so anyway. But this company is much larger and has a better reputation than the company we moved to Indiana with, so much better in the long term.

Logan turned 4 in January and is growing like a weed! I think I've gone through his clothes 3 or 4 times since just before Christmas putting away things that are too small. At 4, he's wearing boys size 6, yikes!! And somedays acts like he's 6, the boy really is too smart for his own good.

And today is officially the start of baseball season, Go CUBS!!!