Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yup, we're shouting one BIG screw you to cancer! The Gustafson family is expanding. I'm due December 29th, so we're about 9 weeks right now. We had our first ultrasound today, we got to see the little bean, and hear the heartbeat. Made it seem so real.

We got lucky as we haven't been trying very long. I got the go ahead from my oncologist back in January. We've always known we wanted more children, and given my awesome response to all my treatment, we wanted to have more and be done as soon as we were able. Being that I'm BRCA2+ it puts me at increased risk for ovarian cancer, so the sooner we can finish having kids, the sooner I can have them removed and wipe out that chance once and for all, the happier I will be.

So I had my IUD removed in mid-January and really the rest is history. I had really long cycles so trying to predict optimal time was really hard, but I guess not that hard.

We're very excited, and hope to continue the blog to share in the excitement with everyone. All that we ask is prayers for a healthy pregnancy.