Monday, January 8, 2007

So it begins....

One would think that after almost seven years as a volunteer with the Komen Race for the Cure that it makes you immune to the disease, ha ha! No such luck.

So I'll start at the beginning. During my monthly self-exam in early December I noticed something different in my left breast. I honestly didn't think much of it, and thought I would just monitor it for a week. But than I also had some tenderness, which made me think that I could be pregnant as that was how I felt when we found out about Logan, but no such luck. A day or so later, Richard noticed that my areola and nipple had no color to it, and then I got a swollen spot. That was when I called my OB.

Of course, as nature predicts, by the time I got there the swelling was gone. But she did notice a lump, and scheduled me for a mammogram immediately. Knowing what I know, I told her I certainly wasn't willing to take any chances.

So on Dec. 20th, I went in for my mammogram, which much to my surprise, and my mom's disappointment didn't hurt a bit, sorry mom :) I spoke to the radiologist after she read my films, and said that I actually had two masses and my lymph node lit up on the films, she said her first thought was cancer and suggested I have a biopsy. Lucky for me I had an appt scheduled with my breast specialist the following Friday.

So we went through a wonderul Christmas with Logan, and tried not to think too much about it, as much as humanly possible anyway.

Then Tuesday morning at work I get a call from my doctor's nurse. She says Dr. Kepple is back in town for a surgery today and will see you at 5:30 if that's okay? UM.. YEAH! I wasn't up for waiting until Friday.

We met with her, she noticed some inflammation and did a skin punch (skin sample) to test for inflammatory cancer, which did come back negative, woohoo. She also told us that yes I did have the big "C" word. Which honestly once she said that not much else sunk in. But I got my orders for a bunch of testing for the following week.

I hope you're all hanging in there, I promise future posts won't be as long. I'll update more frequently. :)

So on the 2nd, Happy New Year, I went in for a CT Scan, a bone scan and a Breast MRI, I was injected with so much stuff I probably glowed. I don't recommend a breast MRI by the way, not the most comfortable position to be in for 50 minutes!!

Then my biopsy was on Wed. the 3rd. The radiologist that did it was a hoot, which was good helped me to relax. I didn't feel a thing, three holes, and 5 samples in each hole later and I was on my way.

My doctor called on Thursday and said after looking at my films, that I did have cancer, but it was contained to my left breast and lymph nodes. She was setting up an appointment for me with her on Tuesday (tomorrow the 9th) have my port put in on Friday the 12th, and start my appt with my oncologist for chemo on the 15th. Whew, what a whirlwind!

Then the radiologist who did my MRI called on Friday and said that yes it was cancer! What you're kidding, I had no idea (obviously at that point, it had pretty much sunk in, Hi my name is Jeni, and I have breast cancer)

That brings us to the present, well after a LOT of crying, laughing (thanks, mom, jo, jim and a little help from a puppet), screaming, throwing things, blah blah.

I meet with my doc tomorrow to go over ALL of my results and talk about a treatment schedule. Her plan with the chemo (6 cycles) before any surgery is to use the tumors as a measure of how well the chemo is working, if it's doing it's job they will shrink, if not, it allows them to adjust meds.

I'm feeling pretty strong about the whole thing at this point. I'm just anxious to get a plan of attack together and beat the hell out of this thing.

I will use this blog as a way to keep in touch with everyone, so check back often.


  1. *hugs* Jeni!! You are a strong, courageous young womand and you will kick this thing!!

    You have the love and support of all of us MMC gals!!

    Love you!!

  2. Hey, Girl, nothing can keep you down if you make up your mind it won't! You know we love you! KEEP WRITING!

    Auntie Tonya

  3. Jeni,

    You are a strong woman!! "You Can Do It!"


  4. Hey Jeni! I am so proud of how strong you are being! You know I am here for you! Love and hugs, Wren

  5. You can fight this.. ANd things will be ok.. We are all here for you.... xoxox
