Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Time flies!

Miss Avery turned 3 months old yesterday! The last three months have gone fast in the overall picture, but the daily struggles with colic and napping have made some days seem like months long. But overall she is such a happy wonderful baby, and I love having my little girl.

Logan has begun the transition to the 'big kids' room at daycare, with kindergarten right around the corner this fall. He's so excited to be moving up to the new room, and even more excited that he gets to share it with his best buddy Ethan. They are two peas in a pod I tell you, cracks me up.

And last night I was going through old baby clothes to prepare for a consignment sale. Logan was playing with some of the old toys, Richard is sitting in the desk chair, and we're marveling at the fact that not so long ago, this almost kindergartner sitting in front of us used to wear these things, he used to be my little baby boy. Well, he'll always be my 'baby boy'. But he's growing up in to such an awesome kid, sure there are days I'd duct tape him to a wall if it was legal (just kidding), but for the most part he's a pretty cool kid. For a boy his age, he's very loving, always giving hugs, telling you he loves you, I hope he never outgrows that.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This too shall pass........I hope!

People always say that every baby is different, even amongst your own children. And man I could not agree more. Miss Avery will be 3 months on Monday, and I really want a happy baby girl :(

A few weeks ago we thought the colic was getting better, evenings hadn't been as bad, now the last week or so they seem to have gotten worse. Her crying has become more intense and NOTHING we try to do to console her helps. It certainly causes some very helpless feelings as a parent. Often I wonder at what point could it be something else?

I think its even harder because, my mother-in-law says she's a happy baby during the day, but by the time we get home from work she's miserable. I can't wait for the days when we can play and interact and talk with her instead of trying to find ways to soothe her.

Naps are still a struggle, she's not too interested in taking long ones, although she's getting a bit better. But nighttime she's awesome, falls asleep on her own by about 7:30 or 8.

You hear warnings about colic, and people give you tips to try and help, but no one ever really says how hard it is emotionally. But we just have to keep telling ourselves that it's temporary and its nothing we've done, but sometimes its easier said than done.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sweet Sunshine

Aaaahhh, the sun is shining after what has seemed like weeks! And it's been WEEKS since I've posted, guess life really is a big busier with two kids.

Let's see, Logan is doing well. Still enjoying being a big brother, and seems to love his sister more everyday :) We've had a few behavior blips along the way, as we sometimes struggle with making sure to spend enough one-on-one time with him. Especially in the evenings when one of us is making dinner and one of us is dealing with a colicky Avery, but most times he's content to play with his trains, and lately he's been helping make dinner too.

One new rule that I've instilled is absolutley no TV on while we're eating dinner, even if it is the news. That has helped, we talk about our days, Logan fills us in on school, its been great. Now if we can just get him to eat dinner we'll be good.

We've signed him up for T-ball for the summer, and he seems excited about that. One of his good buddies seems to be involved in everything imaginable, so I asked Logan if there was anything else he wanted to do, he said nope just baseball I don't want to get too worn out :) I guess they know best.

Avery is growing like a weed. We're at 10 weeks, and at her two month check-up she weighed 13 pounds 2 ounces and was 24 inches long. And I am already having to pack up clothes that don't fit. The doctor commented on how strong she seemed to be, her favorite thing is to 'stand' on your lap so she can see the world. Looks like we'll be chasing her around sooner than later.

Her colic is improving, her new trick now is that she doesn't like to take naps during the day without being held. My poor mother-in-law gets to cuddle with her on the couch while she naps, I'm so jealous.

Yes, I did return to work, boooo. I so did not want to come back, but the bills need to be paid. We're holding out hope that the economy turns back around and Richard can be doing the work he's supposed to be, so maybe I can stay home, someday.

We had Avery baptised on Valentine's Day. We chose that day as Richard wanted to do it as close to his dad's birthday as possible, since that's who Avery is named after. (his dad's name was Dale). It was a wonderful day, my dad and Joanna were even able to make the trip.

Here's a few pictures from the day:

She may have been a bit bored with the whole thing :)