Saturday, June 6, 2009

another year in the books

Happy Cancerversary to me! 2 years ago today I became cancer free!!!!! Most days that seems so long ago, I think this pregnancy has helped it to seem like a lifetime ago as well. Although I'm never really sure what date you're supposed to count your survivorship from. The day you were diagnosed, the day you finsih treatment, the day you get the word you're cancer free. All the days of which I do remember, but I think the one that holds the most importance for me is today, June 6th, the anniversary of my mastectomy and the day that the last of the cancer was removed from my body, what little was left after chemo anyways. I feel very blessed to even be able to write this post today.


  1. I thank God every day that I still have you here with me.
    I can't imagine life without you.

    Happy cancer free!!!!!!!!!!

  2. yea..i'm kind of a fan too! love you everyday!

  3. YAHOO happy day! We count ourselves blessed that God heard all our prayers to heal you. We love you Jen and are so happy for you all!
